Kalender der didaktischen Aktivitäten
5. - 6. März 2020
Workshops at the Universitatea Nationala de Muzica din Bucaresti, within the framework of ERASMUS+
Irene Malizia and Angelo Tatone are leading workshops at the Universitatea Nationala de Muzica din Bucaresti in Bucharest. They work with students of bachelor’s and master’s programs.
Workshop 1: Improvisation. Different worlds in one word.
Irene Malizia, Violin - Angelo Tatone, Guitar
Workshop 2: Compose music in small steps. Irene Malizia, Violin.
Workshop 3: (Jazz-, Pop-) Ear-Training with our instrument!
Angelo Tatone, Guitar
5. - 6. November 2019
Workshops at the Saint Louis Music Center, within the framework of ERASMUS+
Irene Malizia and Angelo Tatone are leading workshops at Saint Louis Music Center in Rom. They work with students of bachelor’s and master’s programs.
Workshop 1: Improvisation. Different worlds in one word.
Irene Malizia, Violin - Angelo Tatone, Guitar
Workshop 2: „Colori e multiforme“; the composer, the teacher, the student. A multidimensional collaboration in learning, teaching and composing. The musical composition as an interactive tool in music education and as an impulse for a complementary method in instrumental teaching. Irene Malizia, Violin.
Workshop 3: (Jazz-, Pop-) Ear-Training with our instrument!
Angelo Tatone, Guitar
15. - 17. April 2019
Workshops at the Taller de Musics in Barcelona, within the framework of ERASMUS+
Irene Malizia and Angelo Tatone are leading workshops at Conservatorio di Musica "A. Casella" de L'Aquila. They work with students of bachelor’s and master’s programs.
Workshop 1: Improvisation. Different worlds in one word.
Irene Malizia, Violin - Angelo Tatone, Guitar
Workshop 2: „Colori e multiforme“; the composer, the teacher, the student. A multidimensional collaboration in learning, teaching and composing. The musical composition as an interactive tool in music education and as an impulse for a complementary method in instrumental teaching. Irene Malizia, Violin
Workshop 3: (Jazz-, Pop-) Ear-Training with our instrument!
Angelo Tatone, Guitar
25. - 26. März 2019
Orpheus Institute - Ghent - Erasmus+ Staff mobility for Training
Irene Malizia and Angelo Tatone visiting the Orpheus Institute in Ghent. They are meeting the direction and the staff of the Orpheus Institute in order to learn more about the organization of the institute, about researchers and their work and establish some contacts with one of the most research’s centers in Europe.
26. - 30. März 2019
EuNet MERYC Conference 2019
Irene Malizia and Angelo Tatone have been selected by the EuNet/MERYC Conference 2019 at the Ghent University in order to present their research project.
Improvisation for children as part of the process of music education. Irene Malizia, Violin – Angelo Tatone, Guitar
Discover Your Instrument by Creating and Composing with Particular Sounds. The Musical Composition as an Interactive Tool in the Elementary Music Education and as an Impulse for a Complementary Method in Instrumental Teaching. Irene Malizia, Violin
28. - 30. März 2019
AEC & EPARM Conference 2019
Irene Malizia and Angelo Tatone have been selected by the EPARM 2019 at the ACADEMIA DE MUZICĂ GHEORGHE DIMA in Cluj Napoca in order to present their research project.
“Interdisciplinarity and practice of improvisation in ensemble”
13. - 15. März 2019
Workshops at the Taller de Musics in Barcelona, within the framework of ERASMUS+
Irene Malizia and Angelo Tatone are leading workshops at Taller de Musics in Barcelona. They work with students of bachelor’s and master’s programs
Workshop 1: Improvisation. Different worlds in one word.
Irene Malizia, Violin - Angelo Tatone, Guitar
Workshop 2: „Colori e multiforme“; the composer, the teacher, the student. A multidimensional collaboration in learning, teaching and composing. The musical composition as an interactive tool in music education and as an impulse for a complementary method in instrumental teaching. Irene Malizia, Violin
Workshop 3: (Jazz-, Pop-) Ear-Training with our instrument!
Angelo Tatone, Guitar
24. - 26. Oktober 2018
AEC and CEMPE Platform for Learning and Teaching (LATIMPE): Becoming musicians - student involvement and teacher collaboration in higher music education
19. - 21. Oktober 2018
Irene Malizia beim ESTA KONGRESS - European String Teachers Association
Freitag 19. Oktober 14:45 Uhr
Grundsatzfragen zu Spieltechniken und Notation moderner Musik
Samstag 20. Oktober 09:30 Uhr
Stilistische und didaktische Erarbeitung eines Stückes
ESTA TAGUNG - Musikschule Neckarsulm
28. - 29. Juni 2018
HARP 2018
Hub for Artistic Research in Performance
Royal Northern College of Music
Präsentation des Projekts/Workshops: „Colori e multiforme“; the composer, the teacher, the student. A multidimensional collaboration in learning, teaching and composing. Vortragende: Irene Malizia
Präsentation des Projekts/Workshops: "Improvisation. Different worlds in one word". Vortragenden: Angelo Tatone / Irene Malizia
Royal Northem College of Music
124 Oxford Road, Manchester
16. - 17. Juni 2018
Aufnahme der didaktischen DVD "Colori e Multiforme"
Projektleiterin: Irene Malizia
Schüler und Studierenden vom Frau Veronica Kröner
In Zusammenarbeit mit Doblinger Verlag
1. - 2. Juni 2018
EYE 2018 - Strasbourg EU Parliament
JML Collective Ensemble
Leitung: Angelo Tatone
Improvisationsprojekt mit StudentInnen aus den verschiednsten Abteilungen des JAM MUSIC LABs (Musiktheater, Kons-Uni Jazz/Pop)
1 Avenue du Président Robert Schuman, 67000 Strasbourg
18. - 20. Mai 2018
MEETING WWM ("Working With Music") 2018
Conservatorio di Musica "L. Refice" di Frosinone - Viela Michelangelo, 03100 Frosinone (Italien)
Sala "Martino Filetico" di Ferentino - Piazza Collegio Martino Filetico, 03013 Ferentino (Italien)
15. Mai 2018
OeAD-Haus Ebendorferstraße 7, Wien
21. - 23. März 2018
EPARM Conference 2018
European Plattform for artistic Research
“Playing” as a common ground for artistic research and teaching arts – reflection, knowledge and knowledge transfer
Präsentation des Projekts: "From the Sound to the Sign, From the Sign to the Sound. The musical composition as an interactive tool in the music education and as an impulse for an "alternative" teaching method.". Vortragende: Irene Malizia
Short presentation "Artistic Research in our Institution". Vortragende: Angelo Tatone
17. Februar 2018
"Das Alphabet klingt". Workshop für Musik (er)finden für Kinder zwischen 3 und 8 Jahre alt.
Leitung: Irene Malizia
Veranstalter: Musisches Zentrum Wien - Vollkskundenmusem Wien
27. Oktober 2017 - ab 10 Uhr
Tag der neuen Musik 2017
Veranstalter: JAM MUSIC LAB, INÖK
Workshops für Kompositionspädagogik "Musik (er)finden mit Kindern".
Leiterin: Irene Malizia
25. März 2017
Musik und Klänge erfinden: das Alphabet klingt! Mit Irene Malizia
Musik und eigene Klänge erfinden - wie geht man das am besten an?
Die Geigerin und Komponistin Irene Malizia hat darin jede Menge Erfahrung und zeigt euch einfache Tipps und Tricks, wie aus verschiedenen Formen Klänge entstehen können.
Sie gibt euch spannende Impulse und ihr werdet überrascht sein, in welchen Dingen wir überall Musik finden können. Seid dabei und erfindet eure eigenen Klänge!
Alter: ab 6 Jahren
Musisches Zentrum Wien
10. September 2016 - ab 18 Uhr
Konzert der TeilnehmerInnen
Duo Variando im Konzert ... "Überraschungsprogramm"
Veranstalter: Variando Musica
Sala San Giuseppe (Parrocchia di San Marco. Vicolo San Giuseppe 13, Rovereto (TN-Italien)
von 7. bis 10. September 2016
Musikkurse für Gitarre, Violine, Komposition und Musikerziehung
Veranstalter: Comune di Rovereto, Variando Musica
Konzert der TeilnehmerInnen
Sala San Giuseppe (Parrocchia di San Marco. Vicolo San Giuseppe 13, Rovereto (TN)
12. und 20. August 2016
Kunst- und Musik Ausstellung "PaintingMusic trifft Variando musica"
Veranstalter: Variando musica, PaintingMusic
100% Handgemachte Kunstwerke, neue CDs-Präsentation, Noten und Bücher.
Minoritenkirche (Oberen Saal, Eingang unter den Arkaden), Wien
1.-4. Februar 2016
Wokrshops-Musikalische Projekte mit experimentelle Komposition mit Kinder zwischen 3 und 5 Jahre alt
Veranstalter: Asilo Vannetti Rovereto, VARIANDO musica
© Copyright 2016 Irene Malizia & Angelo Tatone - Web design Irene Malizia