Educational Activites Calendar

Taller de Musics
Conservatorio Statale "Casella"
Saint Louis College of Music
Universitatea Nationala du Muzica Bucaresti


5th - 6th of March 2020

Workshops at the Universitatea Nationala de Muzica din Bucaresti (within the framework of ERASMUS+)

Improvisation. Different worlds in one word.

Irene Malizia - Angelo Tatone

Compose music in easy steps.

Irene Malizia

Ear-Training with our instrument! (Jazz & Pop)

Angelo Tatone

5th - 6th of November 2019

Workshops at the Saint Louis Music Center (within the framework of ERASMUS+)

Improvisation. Different worlds in one word.

Irene Malizia - Angelo Tatone

Colori e multiforme“; the composer, the teacher, the student. A multidimensional collaboration in learning, teaching and composing. The musical composition as an interactive tool in music education and as an impulse for a complementary method in instrumental teaching.

Irene Malizia

Ear-Training with our instrument! (Jazz & Pop)

Angelo Tatone

15th - 17th of April 2019

Workshops at the Conservatorio Statale di Musica "A. Casella" de L'Aquila (within the framework of ERASMUS+)

Improvisation. Different worlds in one word.

Irene Malizia - Angelo Tatone

Colori e multiforme“; the composer, the teacher, the student. A multidimensional collaboration in learning, teaching and composing. The musical composition as an interactive tool in music education and as an impulse for a complementary method in instrumental teaching.

Irene Malizia

Ear-Training with our instrument! (Jazz & Pop)

Angelo Tatone

13th - 15th of March 2019

Workshops at the Taller de Musics in Barcelona (within the framework of ERASMUS+)

Improvisation. Different worlds in one word.

Irene Malizia - Angelo Tatone

Colori e multiforme“; the composer, the teacher, the student. A multidimensional collaboration in learning, teaching and composing. The musical composition as an interactive tool in music education and as an impulse for a complementary method in instrumental teaching.

Irene Malizia

Ear-Training with our instrument! (Jazz & Pop)

Angelo Tatone

19th to 21st of October 2018

ESTA KONGRESS - European String Teachers Association

Friday 19th of October at 2:24 pm

Basic questions about playing techniques and notation of modern music

Saturday 20th of October at 9:30 am

Stylistic and didactic development of a piece

ESTA TAGUNG - Musikschule Neckarsulm

Neuenstädter Str. 27, 74172 Neckarsulm

16th to 17th of June 2018

Recording Project: didacitcal DVD didattico of the book "Colori e Multiforme"

Project director: Irene Malizia

Students of Prof. Veronica Kröner violin class

In collaboration with Doblinger Verlaghaus

Dorotheergasse 10, 1010 Wien

1st to 2nd of June 2018

EYE 2018 - Strabourg EU Parliament

JML Collective Ensemble

Teacher and Leader: Prof. Angelo Tatone

Improvisation Performance with students from the Jazz / Pop department and the Musictheater department of JAM MUSIC LAB.

1 Avenue du Président Robert Schuman, 67000 Strasbourg

17th of February 2018 - From 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm

"L'alfabeto suona", Workshop of Didactic of compositionfor children from 3 to 10 years old.

Teacher and leader: Prof. Irene Malizia

Organizer: Musisches Zentrum Wien - Vollkskundenmusem

Laudongasse 15-19, 1080 Wien

27th of October 2017 - from 10:00 pm

Open Day 2017 (Tag der öffenen Tür)

Organizator: JAM MUSIC LAB, INÖK

Educational workshops of the composition "Experimental composition for children".

Prof. Irene Malizia


Music City Gasometer. Guglgasse 8, 1110 Wien

25th of March 2017

"Experimental composition for children" Music workshop

Inventing music and sounds: the sounds of the alphabet! With Irene Malizia

The violinist and composer Irene Malizia will show you simple tips and tricks on how different shapes can create sounds.

Participate and invent your sounds!

Age: from 6 years old

from 3:30 pm to 5:30 pm

Zeltgasse 7, 1080 Wien

7th to 10th of September 2016

Musical courses of guitar, violin, composition and children music education.

Rovereto Giovane d'estate

Final concert of the participants Saturday, September 10th at 6 pm at the Sala San Giuseppe (Church of San Marco, Vicolo San Giuseppe 13. Rovereto (TN)

Concert Poster

1st to 4th of Februar 2016

Kinder Garden VANNETTI (Rovereto)

Workshops-Musical projects on experimental composition with children

From 3 to 5 years old

Organizer: Asilo Vannetti, VARIANDO musica

Via Santa Maria 58, Rovereto (TN)
